In this video, I talked with Debbie Bosworth, Cranio Sacral therapist and founder of The Light Clinik.
Debbie has a wealth of knowledge, experience, skill, and passion for human health.
In this talk, we explore Debbie’s Cranio Sacral practice, and how she supports people to release any residual traumas and challenging emotions from their bodies facilitating better health, and mind and body harmony.
In my therapeutic practice and life, I often hear people saying that they feel somewhat stuck in their bodies, or that they feel ‘heavy and full’ with no space for inner joy.
Sadly, this ‘stuckness’ and ‘fulness’ is a real thing, literally!
If it sounds familiar, your body is trying to tell you that there is a load of emotional residue stuck in different places of your body making you unhappy, unwell, or both. Your body is letting you know that you need to release some of the ‘old stuff’ to allow space for the new.
This is where Cranio Sacral therapy comes in!
In this video, Debbie explores how she works with the ‘stuck’ emotions helping people to feel free, healthier, and internally harmonious again.
Debbie reminds us that we live in a society that is ‘thinking and doing heavy’ with a little focus on ‘being and feeling’. Yes, that certainly sounds familiar all around! Hand on heart – how much time have you recently spent simply feeling and being in your body without thinking about your next task? Let me guess – very little. Trust me you are not the only one…
The challenge is that when we leave our process of being and feeling unattended, our bodies simply ‘save it for later’ until our inner storage becomes full of unexpressed, unattended, and unreleased emotions with no space for joy or anything else.
If you want to learn more about Cranio Sacral therapy and how it can help you release your past traumas, create space for joy, and harmonize your mind and body, this video is for you!
Contact Debbie at info@thelightclinik.co.uk